Our services

Transform Public Administration with E-Signature Software

As a trusted partner, we specialize in delivering innovative e-government solutions tailored for Bosnian local governments. ESIO is a qualified electronic signature system designed to meet the stringent requirements of the eIDAS regulation.


E-Government Transformation

With years of experience in deploying secure and efficient e-signature solutions for public administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we bring the expertise and tools necessary to transform the way governments operate.
ESIO – an advanced, user-friendly electronic signature information system designed specifically for the needs of local governments.

The ESIO system is composed of three key components:

  • Web Application
  • Web Service
  • E-Signature Client Application

In Partnership with Itineris d.o.o.

Our trusted partner, Itineris d.o.o., brings decades of experience in developing cutting-edge software solutions for public administration.  Together, our Spider Team and Itineris d.o.o team deliver comprehensive e-government solutions designed to meet the highest standards of functionality and security.

  • Qualified Electronic Signatures: Ensure the integrity, authenticity, and legal validity of your digital documents.

  • Tailored for Local Governments: Specifically designed to meet the needs of Bosnian local government institutions.

  • Integrated Electronic Signature: ESIO utilizes an LCD signboard for electronic signing, ensuring secure and efficient document authentication.

  • Comprehensive Record-Keeping: The system offers an electronic book of evidence, facilitating easy creation and management of certification records, including automated printing and reporting.

  • Efficiency: Speeds up document processing and reduces administrative delays.

esio e-signature software

Take the Next Step in Digital Transformation

We deliver comprehensive e-government solutions designed to meet the highest standards of functionality and security. ESIO E-signature software has been in use for over 12 years and is trusted by 20 municipalities and cities across Bosnia and Herzegovina.

German technology

We use only proven and certified technologies

esio e-signature software
ESIO E-Signature Software
e-signature local governments