Registry of administrative procedures
The Electronic Registry of Administrative Procedures provides the possibility to obtain information on the manner of submitting the request, the necessary documentation, the deadlines for resolving the request, the total costs, the purpose of the procedure, the legal basis and other elements of the procedure in a quick and transparent manner. At the same time, the registry provides the possibility of downloading and electronically completing a form for submitting a request to the competent administrative body. The forms are available in Cyrillic and Latin scripts.
Purpose of eRegistar of administrative procedures
The purpose of the e-Register of Administrative Procedures is to provide businessmen and citizens with a faster and easier access to information on procedures for obtaining permits, approvals, decisions or conclusions.
e-Register of administrative procedures – advantages
- The e-Register supports both letters (Latin and Cyrillic). The basic application language can be defined according to the client’s request
- Ability to print administrative procedures
- The ability to set two forms (Cyrillic and Latin)
- The e-Register of administrative procedures is adapted to mobile devices
- Easy to administer and update
- Statistics on the number of downloading forms of administrative procedures
- e-Register of administrative procedures is web application written in php programming language.
The electronic register of administrative procedures is an effective means of ensuring the transparency of administration work
An example of the Electronic Registry of Administrative Procedures of the Municipality Teslic: